Friday, August 28, 2009

More Fall Fun

Here is a video the other post wouldn't hold. Gabriella is crazy fun. As you watch this video, catch some more joy... Romans 14:17

Famous Fall in Wheaton

Well, the fall isn't famous in the papers, but its famous to us. So many new things. We are experiencing the Presence of God and the power of God like never before. Our baby G is laughing, squawking and moving all over! Neelie and I are in full swing of College Pastoring as all the college students just started school this week. Pray for lots of renewal of mindsets this year. We already have favor. We already have good works prepared beforehand. We already have power. We already have peace & joy. Come on, Jesus! Thanks for supporting us, friends! Hope you enjoy the media...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ellie makes Gigi Laugh

We caught Ellie Making Gigi Laugh at Jonathan and Amy's house. Here is a video of the fun. I thought I got more of it, but I didnt - take this video and multiply her laugh by 10 and that is how much fun gigi had with Ellie. She really takes to Jonathan, always smiles at Amy.